Battersea Summer Scheme, the principal project of the Battersea Crime Prevention Panel (BCPP) organises a number of events in the holidays for children in Battersea. Sport in the Park is our flagship event, taking place in the summer holidays. We also provide day trips, residential courses and workshops.
We work very closely with local youth groups, Wandsworth Borough Council youth services and youth offending teams.
Our aims
To reduce the likelihood of young people becoming victims of crime
To promote active citizenship
To divert young people from being involved in crime
To break down barriers, real or imagined, between police, communities and young people
To promote a philosophy of partnership within the community.
To encourage young people to help in the planning and evaluation of the activities
To provide all activities at a realistic and affordable price.
To focus on those young people most in need
View our Latest News for this years’ events!